AI Tuner


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How do you know your AI is improving?

How do you know your AI is on brand?

How do you know your AI is accurate?

How do you know your AI is converting?

How do you know your AI is converting?

Pulse Insights AI Tuner asks users about the results and responses from your AI solutions, whether it be language models, offers, or personalized content.

In turn, you can know how it is performing and continually optimize it for your business.

AI Tuner is the missing piece to close the loop in your AI initiatives.


What our clients have told us

“We need assurance that our AI is brand safe.

It's currently hard to monitor how AI is performing, which is a non-starter for our business. We need a feedback loop to track, monitor, and optimize AI output.

“AI has huge potential for our business, but we need a feedback loop."

We are locked out by the lack of ability to understand what it will do in unexpected situations. We need visibility so we can control.

“This is an emerging area for us and we need guidance."

We've hired Data Scientists and purchased capabilities, but that is just part of the solution. We need help about how to deploy business process to both get the most out of it while also managing the risks appropriately.

AI Tuner In Action

Baresquare uses AI Tuner to optimize their AI alerts for their clients. Client responses act as ground truth as to the relevance and value of their AI output, whether it be the algorithms that trigger an alert or their Generative AI that recommends actions based on the alert. In turn, they can track performance over time, optimize overall, and personalize future alerts.


Join The Waiting List

In order to ensure a smooth rollout, we are limiting the number of new customers for AI Tuner in the near term. Please sign up to be contacted when we have more capacity available.