High Value Actions

Link your qualitative & quantitative data to uncover new insights

The opportunity

In many enterprises, qualitative insights are analyzed in a vacuum. For example:

"65% of users didn't get their questions answered after viewing our product pages."

It's interesting.

But it could be so much more powerful if you could understand how that 65% actually behaved and how their behavior differs from the other 35%!

The unanswered question is...

What is the customer & business impact when users can't find what they need?

When you link your qualitative feedback and quantitative data, a picture of impact emerges:

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See the quantified impact of qualitative results.
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Create a strong case for change in your organization
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Empathize with your users
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Prioritize enhancements based on the greatest impact

How does Pulse Insights link quant + qual data?

In short, we capture key behavioral events in our platform, alongside the Pulse Insights survey results.

Most websites and apps have actions that marketers and product owners want to drive, like submitting a lead form, buying something, downloading something, or enrolling in a newsletter. We call these events High Value Actions (HVAs).

Pulse Insights can track these High Value Action events directly and correlate them with user responses, right from within our platform.

With quant data, the insight from above becomes much more powerful:

"65% of users didn't get their questions answered after viewing our product pages and therefore did not purchase.
This costs us approximately $1MM a month in lost revenue.

Once the data is linked, what insights might I uncover?

Pulse Insights already captures vast data on what is inside users' heads as they progress through their customer journey, such as:
• Are they finding the information they need to make a purchase decision?
• What audience(s) do they identify as?
• Are they satisfied?

Our High Value Actions functionality enables you to correlate this qualitative data with any of the quantitative/behavioral counterparts that we capture in the platform, on-demand.

For example, you might learn how missing product information impacts conversion:

Other types of insights you could uncover

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What is our conversion rate by self-reported funnel stage?
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What is our conversion rate by each self-reported audience segment?
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How does suboptimal help content impact returns?
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How does brand affinity correlate with conversions?

The possibilities are endless.

How do you configure High Value Actions in Pulse Insights?

Pulse Insights can watch for a particular URL pattern that signifies that a user performed a High Value Action. For example, if a user lands on a URL containing /thank-you/, it might mean they purchased something.

Or you can have your technology team use our JavaScript library to inform Pulse Insights explicitly about the High Value Action.

And that's it!

Once Pulse Insights begins tracking High Value Actions, you can reflect any survey questions through the lens of how each answer impacts any High Value Action. This functionality is baked the Reporting.